Get To Know About The Evolution Of Web Design

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The first website was designed in the years of early 1990s and since then the website designs have seen number of improvements in terms of design and functionality. The website designers since then have worked on new techniques to improvise the website design in Adelaide. The early websites were nothing but the text and some images but then CSS, flash and other design techniques were introduced which evolved the appearances of the websites completely. However, this progression was step by step and at a time one change in the design was adopted. In this article, we will walk through these evolutions.

The text based websites:

If you look at the web pages which were designed in the first days, then these were just the texts with hyperlinks and images which lead to other web pages with the similar layout. These were initially designed using the HTML language which then in 1994 was declared as the standard language for designing websites by the W3C.

Table Designs:

After the text, came the tables. In HTML a table tag was introduced which simply help the text to show in the form of the tables. The website designers then made use of this tag to create various multi column pages and organized the information present in the web page in more efficient manner. This is how the web designers learnt the importance of the good structure and semantics were also given importance to increase the accessibility of the website.

Flash based website designing:

Flash was one of the biggest evolution in the early website designs because flash introduced the design creations and use of animation with the complex structure in such way which was not possible to create using the HTML. Not only this but flash provided a way to upload large multimedia files by using small space so that it is more practical for online purposes.


When flash gain popularity then at the same time, advancement in HTML was also done and a new version of HTML which was the Dynamic HTML came which made use of JavaScript as well as the server language to create the animation also gain much popularity then this is how the newer and newer version of various languages to code in the web development came which was 3DML and then CSS. All of these helped in the animation and making the web design more and more interactive.

What is the future of the website design?

The technology is still evolving and there are latest and new trends and advanced features which are still developing and therefore, it cannot be predicted that how far and where these advancements will lead.